sports broadcaster.
what sets champions apart?
why do the inevitable struggles of a season invigorate some and stress others?
what does winning with humility and grace require?
i’ve had a front-row seat to ask questions, absorb answers, and process the stories i can’t wait to share with you.
As seen on:
How Has Your Story Transformed You?
I've been in front of the camera and behind the scenes at some of the biggest sporting events in the country.
Storytelling is at my core. I'm a speaker, a host, a broadcaster, and an Emmy award winner.
Most importantly, I'm a wife and a mother.
I'm about more than the sports I discuss and dissect.
I'm about leadership, about belief, about the motivation needed to get back up when we've been knocked down.
I speak to audiences of all sizes and share the message of what I've learned from adversity, from my faith, and from my belief of our limitless future.
“Jade is a wonderful combination of someone who is pleasant, interesting, quick-witted, and downright engaging as a storyteller. As her colleague for years at ESPN, I always looked forward to her features because I knew I would be intrigued and learn something. She was a contributor to our Sunday NFL Countdown weekly pregame show and we were better off for it. She is a pleasure to work with.
— Chris Berman, ESPN
“I remember watching Jade on SportsCenter. Covering professional sports gives her a unique lens to uncover what defines difference-makers. She will leave you with a belief in something greater and the tools to tap into it.”
“Jade is a trusted and insightful host. She weaves experience from her decades in broadcasting with an insatiable curiosity about leadership, team-building, and transformation. Her messages will not only entertain but will also encourage bold steps toward growth.”